Saturday, November 2, 2013

Turquoise Girl

If you're tired of the same old police procedural mysteries and love Tony Hillerman's mysteries, give Aimee  and David Thurlo's Ella Clah series a try. In the Turquoise Girl, set on a New Mexico Native American reservation, she takes us on a wild ride. Ella Clah was a former FBI agent and an inspector for the tribal police with her cousin, Justine Goodluck, her partner in crime. When her mother's former friend was found murdered, this became her toughest case of her life. In the midst of this murder, there were the Fierce Ones, a vigilant Native American group who had their own ways of taking  swift justice into their hands, and the protest at the power plant. Ella and Justice came across some hard truths and complications of the Rez, when there was someone who wanted to send her a message of her own. Through her eyes, we witnessed what drama she went through to discover hidden secrets in this case that might hit closer to home. A lot of drama and adventure, while she protected her daughter and dispensed the law to keep the peace, the shocking truth and his motive would blow your away. What an enjoyable mystery!

This was a wild Native American mystery. I loved the New Mexican backdrop to set the scene for the Native American reservations. This novel made me care about Ella and Justine and their fellow tribes. We also learned more of their customs and cultures of the American Indian way. I hated for the tribal wars to happen in protest. This made me become at the edge of my seat and then some. Great drama with intense action and a thought-provoking mystery.

Ready to read a good novel? Pick up a copy today!

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