Wednesday, May 29, 2024

To Dwell in Darkness

 In this blog post, I reviewed Deborah’s Crombieie’s To Dwell in Darkness, the 16th installment in the Duncain Kincaid and Gemma James mystery series. This latest story is dark and twisted as they come. It all started for Duncan Kincaid, when he was transferred to a new unit of officers to work with, on a very disturbing case. When they received the call about an explosion at St. Pancras International, it caused a ruckus and few people were exposed with white phosphorus, while one person ended up burnt to a crisp. It was up to Kincaid to find out who the unlucky victim was, and how the ecoterrorist protests had started there in the first place. For Gemma, it was up to her to find out more about Mercy Johnson’s tragic murder, and how to build a case against her prime suspect, Dillon Underwood. With many twists and turns leading to the conclusion, it would leave you speechless and shocked straight to the end.

This  compelling and gripping mystery is so enriched with drama-filled action and suspense. I cared for Gemma and Duncan’s blended family, and how they cared for each other, and their jobs with most compelling dark-natured cases. I loved the vast locations in the London area with the amazing scenic settings. The theme of the novel is don’t let jealousy leave you down a dark and violent path,

I rated this  amazing mystery four stars, for no reason. If you love heart-stopping mysteries with lots of drama, suspense, red herrings, and action, check out To Dwell in Darkness this summer. This book is recommended for fans of PD James, Jeffrey Deaver, and Michael Connelly’s mysteries.