Saturday, April 7, 2018

The First Family

In Michael and Daniel Palmer's The First Family, this gripping medical thriller is so twisted and shocking, that it would have you at the edge of your seat. It all started with Cam Hilliard, the president's son and chess prodigy. Lately, he haven't been himself and seem depressed among other exhibiting symptoms. For Karen Ray, a Secret Service Agent who's in charge of his safety had become concerns and informed Cam's parents. But she also had to butt heads with Dr. Fred Gleason, who would do anything to keep her and her ex-husband, Dr. Lee Blackwood, away from finding out the truth and his own secret. For Lee, he started to connect the dots between Cam's condition and other similar cases that seem to be connected to the TPI, a private institute that educated child prodigies from art to chess. And Susie Banks was one of those students, after she almost died in her home from carbon monoxide poisoning and lost her parents in the process. There's a hidden killer lurking in their presence who would do anything to knock them out of the equation. For Karen and Lee, they would stop a prevailing danger from escalating and keep everyone safe, when the shocking truth who was behind it and what connected them together would blow you away...

This was a fantastic and shocking medical from Daniel Palmer. I think he had done his later father, Michael Palmer, proud to follow in his footsteps.  This medical thriller had literally given me chills and plenty of goosebumps from start to finish. I cared about the first family and Karen and Ray and how they came together to solve this puzzling medical mystery. I also did feel bad for Susie who lost her parents at a terrible price. I've found the dual locations of Virginia and the D.C. area is compelling with fascinating scenery for the settings, even at the cabins on Karen's private property. This would make you want to take a big deep breath and buckle up on a wild ride right to the end with non-stop drama, action, suspense and high-octane intriguing plot twists on every page.

Will you jump on board to protect the first family today?

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