Saturday, December 12, 2020

Eclair and Presnent Danger

 In Laura Bradford's ´Eclair and Present Danger, the first installment in the Emergency Dessert Squad Culinary Cozy Mystery series, this delightful cozy mystery debut kicks up a new cozy that you'll enjoy. Poor Winnie Johnson. When the rent goes up for her bakery in Silver Lake, Ohio, she couldn't afford it to keep it any longer. Then she inherited an antique ambulance and a cat from her elderly neighbor's will. When she deals with her new predicament, she tries to get Lovey to appreciate and love her. At the same time, a hot EMT named Greg Stephens comes by and wanting to buy the antique ambulance. But Winnie and her partner/best friend have a better idea--an emergency dessert squad. With his help, he gave us a tour of an ambulance and how to put it to use with some culinary-related touches. While she kickstarted the business, she checked on a neighbor of hers with a peach pie. And she discovered him dead. Now it's up to her to find out who done it while she's making emergency dessert deliveries and meets her potential love interest. In the end, she narrows down her potential suspects, which hits way too close to home with a shocking twist.

 This new culinary cozy series debut was a delightful treat to read and enjoy. I cared about Winnie and how she handled a potential love triangle with Jay and Greg and how she dealt with her ambulatory dessert bakery business to help her afloat. I also wondered if poor Lovey would warm  up to her, though she was so affectionate with others nearby. I did think Mr.  Nelson is a hoot and that Renee is a great friend to Winnie. I do adore the cozy town of Silver Lake, Ohio--there's an actual one nearby where I live, fifteen minutes away. Small world! I loved the fictional counterpart to this small town with a charming location and lovely scenic settings to complete the idealistic imagery. The themes of this cozy are anything's possible, and don't let greed get in the way. 

If you enjoy a new culinary cozy series to read with non-stop action, plenty of culinary drama, tons of suspense, and sparks of mystery, you'll sink your teeth into the yummy recipes featured in Eclair and Present Danger. 

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