Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Den

  In this blog post, I reviewed Cara Reinard’s The Den. This gripping domestic suspense thriller is twisted, dark, and keeps you guessing straight toward the end. It all started for Lucinda Fox, who came home to Pittsburgh to attend a benefit to honor her mother. But when her father suffered a stroke, it caused a ripple effect for her sister Valerie, her two brothers Christian and Jeremy, and even for their former nanny, Marian Vega. While they waited to hear their father’s prognosis, they learned about the Den, a special trust fund set up by their father Stefan Fox, in case anything should happen to their father. Meanwhile it caused sparks and other concerns between them. Christian wants to contest it, while the others don’t. But when he winds up in the fatal car accident, things change. Someone began to target them, one by one, until they were wiped out to claim the money. It’s up to Lucinda and Valerie to get down to the bottom of it before it’s too late for them. In a life-and-death battle, the surprising twist will leave you speechless and spine-tingling at the climax. 

This compelling domestic suspense is dark and twisted with a gripping storyline premise. I cared for Lucinda, who was the unwanted child, and wanted so much to please the people who cared about her. I also cared for Valerie, who wanted to protect her daughter Isla, and give her a better future. The location of Pittsburgh painted the scenes well for the settings. The dual themes of the story is no one’s perfect, and greed is an evil sin when it comes to money and revenge.

This dark domestic suspense will keep you at the edge of your seat and make your head spin. I rated this book, four out of five stars for no reason.   If you love dark domestic thrillers with family issues, non-stop action, heart-stopping drama, and plenty of suspense,  you'll love The Den. It's recommended for fans who love Gone Girl and Hannah Mary McKinnon.

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