Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Good Girls Lie

In J.T. Ellison's Good Girls Lie, you'll be hooked on the first page and can't put it down until the end. It all started for Ash Carlisle, a new student to join the Goode All-Girl Academy in Marchburg, Virginia. She came from her posh London home to get the education she deserved and needed from her trouble home. When she joined the ranks of the sophomore, it made everyone curious about her and why she fled England. Her first days were troublesome when everyone teased her and gave her a hard time. But she kept a dark secret that no one should know when she stayed there for her education. Ash had trouble making friends and even her room mate Camille had kept her distance from her, being secretive and distant. But when someone found her dead body on the ground, it made everyone suspicious of her, even the cops and Dean Westhaven. Lo and behold, when she's tapped by a secret society of senior students, she becomes friends with Becca Curtis who had a secret of her own to keep. There's some kind of fascination with her that made her want to get closer to her. But Ash's world is about to come back down and turn dangerous and deadly, when the truth could come about her and her true identity. In the end, she would have to free herself and expose the secret before someone like herself would get her in the crossfire of her worst enemy... someone close to her who would do anything to get her own way... even commit murder.

From start to finish, this fantastic novel give me goosebumps and shivers down my spine. I cared for "Ash" and how she wanted to make a name for herself in Goode. I did feel bad that her parents treated her badly and how she wanted to escape from it. I did feel curious about Camille's dark secret and how Dean Westhaven had found love as a "cougar" with a younger man. I loved the intricate backdrop of how this academy housed dark secrets about murder and missing lost urban and mythical legends. The scenic settings in Marchburg made it the perfect location to set the scenes for the story. The theme is secrets have a way on coming out when you least expect it. Also it's being kind to others, no matter who they are when they crossed paths in your life.

If you love a twisted thriller with dark drama, suspenseful non-stop action, plenty of mystery and a big dose of a creep factor, check out Good Girl Lie today!

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