Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Heart Sick

If you love shocking thrillers, this one's for you. In Chelsea Cain's Archie Sheridan thriller series, the first installment, Heartsick, Archie Sheridan escaped the clutches of a female serial killer named Gretchen Lowell, two years ago, when she kidnapped him, tortured him, and almost left him for dead. Now, he was addicted to pills and divorced. While he was on the trail of the After School Killer, he flashbacked to when it happened, (all written in present tense), every time they meet in person. Susan Ward was a newspaper reporter with pink hair and a troubled past, while she tried to uncover a scandal in the local government. When her past caught up to her, they collided and interceded with the AS Killer, which linked back to Gretchen in prison. Wow!

This was a fantastic thriller debut by Chelsea Cain. I did feel bad for Archie and his family, when this happened to him in the past. I did become curious on Gretchen and more intrigued by her reign of terror on him. I also liked Susan's pink hair and her love for journalism. Archie and Susan make a helluva powerful team. I loved the central Portland location for the series, including Archie's flashbacks to time. This would send you chills down your spine and then some. Great dramatic action, plenty of suspense and intrigue to keep you turning the page, and lots of thrilling mystery to kickstart the series.

Are you heartsick for another book? Pick up this thriller today!

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