Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dawn Keepers

In the second installment of the Final Prophecy in Jessica Andersen's Dawn Keepers, Strike and his Night Keepers team continue to fight the battle before the end-time of 2012. A lot of his crew dealt with ongoing battles. For Anna, who kept her family background a secret from her estranged husband and colleagues. For Rabbit, he was still struggling with his half-bloodline and usage of the magical powers. But this was mainly Alexis's and Nate's story of finding themselves and each other, when they can't deny their true feelings. Nate wanted to be free as a shifter, while Alexis didn't want to follow in her mother's footsteps. What an awesome and intense urban fantasy/paranormal romance novel.

This was another fantastic UF/PNR novel with exciting scenic descriptions and intense mythic action. I really enjoyed this continuation of the series on how each Keeper had found its own human mate and their own true powers. For Alexis's and Nate's story, this only showed how you can be true to yourself and not be pressured to something you're not. It applied to everyday life for everyone. I didn't care for much for Iago and Desiree. Myrinne was something else--I'm so glad she got to be with Rabbit. Their winikins were always something special in an advisory capacity.

Ready for the fight for the future? Pick up a copy right away!

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