Wednesday, May 15, 2013


In Allison Brennan's Stalked,  the fifth installment of the Lucy Kincaid series, we were introduced to the world of FBI training in Quantico. It all started with a reporter's murder in New York City, a connection to an old case, that took us back and forth to both places. When Lucy Kincaid's name popped up to connection to the murder, she'd been reeled in to help with the case. Meanwhile, while she was still undergoing vigorous training as a FBI trainee, someone made her nervous and had it in for her, while someone targeted the FBI and infiltrated the FBI for all the wrong reasons. Things do get serious, when one FBI agent died and another one ended up injured. We really do get inside the head of Lucy, when she dealt with this crisis, while we flashback to Peter McMahon's life being stalked by two people, living on the run, and until present day. There was red hot chemistry between FBI Suzanne Madeaux and Joe De Lucca, and a great romance between Lucy and Sean Rogan. What a rush!

This was another intense romantic suspense from Allison Brennan. I cared about Lucy and her FBI training in Quantico. I also liked the blooming romance between her and Sean Rogan, too. I loved the FBI  Academy in Quantico and California dual locations for this novel with scenic settings. This made me hold a deep breath and let out a huge sigh.  Great drama, intense suspense and lots of romance, non-stop action and mystery along the way to the end.

Will you find out why you're being stalked? If so, check this out today!

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