Thursday, July 2, 2009

Matters of the Heart

In Matters of the Heart, Danielle Steel told us a dark tale about obsessive love. Hope Dunne was a top photographer who found serenity through the lens of her camera.  She wasn't looking for love and excitement, until she was assigned to go to London. From there, she met Finn O'Neill, who exuded warmth and charm. He thought he was the perfect counterpoint for her and was instantly taken by her.  He courted her and whisked her away to Ireland. From there, she found everything irresistible about it. Within time, she fell in love with Finn as doubt surrounded her, which was filled by bullet holes of lies, jealousy and an unsure history. Now frightened from Finn, she needed to break the spell he cast on her and escape to freedom with some help along the way. This was one of her well-written finest and darkest romances on love in her backlist.

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