Sunday, October 10, 2010


Mary Anna Evans's Artifacts was the first book in the Faye Longchamp series that started her journey. Faye Longchamp was a biracial archeology student, who lived on Joyeuse island, Florida, when there were hidden family secrets, and a long lost treasure. While she saved her island from becoming a resort, she encountered two dead bodies from her fellow students, and an old skeleton from an old cold case. Joe, her Native American friend, became under suspicion for their deaths, while Magda Stockard, her professor, was suspicious of Faye's address and behavior. This also started the romance between Faye and Joe, too.  In the end, Faye connected the dots of the past and present, when their lives were  stuck in the middle of a hurricane.

This was a fascinating introduction to the Faye Longchamp series.  I found Faye's background was quite interesting and amusing at the same time as well. Joyeuse Island, Florida, was an unusual backdrop for the location, since I never heard of it. I liked the concept of treasure hunting and archeology seemed to go hand and hand. And Joe and Magda were an unusual bunch of characters. Great drama with a built-up mystery, good action for light reading, and a spark of a possible romance made this a good series.

Ready to find some artifacts? Grab a copy today!

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