Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Dream Hunter

Welcome to your dream world! In the first installment of the Dream-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, she introduced us to a world of Greek mythology and the human realm. In the Dream Hunter,  for Megeara "Geary" Kalfieri, all she wanted was to prove Atlantis existed in the memory of her late father. And in her dreams, she entertained erotic dreams to a god-like man. For Arikos "Arik" Contranides, he was her dream god. He was also an Oneroi and a Skotoa, an emotion-less god. And for once, he would want to be human. For by a price for her soul, this was when two worlds collided with a big bang. When Geary met Arik in human form, she couldn't believe her eyes. And for a price, Arik had two weeks to live, when he never experienced emotions or true love, not until he met Geary and wowed her world. With lots of interesting godlike characters and plenty of drama with a hint of eroticism, this paranormal romance is way out of this world and so much more.

I loved how she portrayed ancient and present day Greece for humans and mythic beings alike. That was great world building to see their world in vivid colors. I loved the introduction of the Oneroi, dream hunters and the vast array of characters in the Greek mythic world. I really felt bad for Geary throughout this storyline about the search for Atlantis, her loss of her family, and about losing Arik in a heart-breaking way. I also felt bad for Arik who want to be human and almost lost his life for it. I didn't like Thia a tiny bit, but I hated the bad Oneroi and the Fueries to claim him. Some characters who grew to love or hate. This paranormal romance had a hint of Greek mythic eroticism to take you above and beyond.

Ready to fall in love with a Greek God? Grab a copy today!

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