Tuesday, June 22, 2010

As the World Churns

It's been a little over two years, since I've read a Tamar Myers Penn Dutch Inn book. It's good to go back to a great culinary cozy to enjoy with yummy recipes. Out of nineteen books in the series, this is the 16th one, when I hope to read Hell Hath No Curry #15, and the Crepes of Wrath, #9, hopefully, later this year, although I'm reading it out of order. In this installment, As the World Churns, Magdalena is hosting a Hollstein cow competition at her inn, when someone clobbers Doc Shafor. It's up to Magdalena, who faints, and deals with her mother-in-law, and other problems, to find out who kidnapped her pseudo-stepdaughter and her husband, when she learns a shocking twist in the end. I know I have many books in the series I haven't read: #2, #10-14, #17-18. I Hope to be caught up with this series in a year or two.

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