Saturday, February 8, 2014

Guilty Pleasures

Step aside, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Make room for Anita Blake, vampire hunter and animator. She made her debut in the Anita Blake series from Laurell Hamilton. In Guilty Pleasures, it wasn't your ordinary nightclub. When she was there for a friend's bachelorette party, things weren't what they seem--vampires strip down. As a fellow animator, she was assigned the task of finding out who killed master vampires. From her point of view, she took you an adventure of goodness and evil, darkness and light, when she battled other vampires, raised zombies, and watched out for ghouls and lycanthropes. Every step she took, she was in the crossfire of the battle of ultimate supremacy, right up to Nicolaos, a child-like vampire queen. We watched her risk life and limb and feel the painful bites of a vampire marking her for life. Anita was a most formidable opponent you'll want on your side.

For starters, I loved the war of the worlds between good and evil and the backdrop for the setting,  too. As for Anita Blake, she was quite an unique and inquisitive female lead character. The vamps here weren't too scary in this paranormal romance. I was hooked with every page-turning delight, when danger followed her every step or misstep as well. I didn't care for much for Nicolaos. But the other characters were quite kooky and amusing too boot. I'm forever be on Team Anita's side for sure.

Ready to join a worldly fight? Step in line to pick up a copy today!

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