Sunday, December 1, 2013

Darkness UnMasked

If you loved the Riley Jensen Guardian series, take a walk on the wild side. Welcome to Risa's dark and dangerous world in Darkness Unmasked, the 5th book in the Dark Angels series. She was half-werewolf, half-Aedh, an energy being like an angel. From her point of view, we witnessed every twist and turn in her life, when she embarked on a lethal mission to find a serial killer like no other, and how she'd gotten entangled into a spiderweb of her own. With one of her friends hurt and the other had gone missing, she had a complicated family life and a questionable relationship with Azriel, a reaper, who might be her better half. Besides a quest for the keys, we watched her wield her demon sword Amaya to protect her and fought a dangerous fight to get answers she was well-deserved.

This paranormal romance was way out of this world.  Like Riley Jensen, she was part-werewolf. Unlike her, she was part Aedh, an interesting characteristic to make her more holy and spiritual to fight evil dead on. I liked learning about her world in Australia, another wonderful location for this series. I didn't like it, when evil threatened her at every turn. But I loved her sword Amaya to catch a spidery serial killer. This made me gasp and sigh. Great drama, wonderful action in every scene, and a etherworldly romance to spark a romance.

Ready to fight evil? Grab on for a wild and dark ride?

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