Sunday, August 31, 2014

Special review: Blood of the Wicked from December 2008

In Leighton Gage's Brazilian mystery debut, Blood of the Wicked, we were introduced to Mario Silva, the lead detective of the police force.  Homeless peasants confronted the owners of their vast estates painted the scene in Cascatas do Pontal, Brazil. A bishop was flown in by helicopter to consecrate a new church and then was assassinated in cold blood. The pope called the Brazilian president, when Silva was dispatched to investigate the grisly scene with his nephew, Hector Costa, who was also a policeman. Together while they search for clues in the bishop's murder, they battle the state police, corrupted lawyers, and preying criminals on the streets, along with the church and a slew of other people to solve this shocking cold-blooded murder, when old secrets eked itself out in this disturbing investigation to find out who was the culprit. 

This was a fantastic mystery debut. I loved the backdrop of Brazil for the series. You really get a sense of how the Brazilians lived. Great vivid scenery to painted the picture well. I loved the introduction of Hector and Silva and the rest of his police team. We did get a sense of their background. I didn't like the bishop assassination scenery in the beginning. Nice storytelling and plenty of drama.

Check this out today!

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